With the summer heat wave winding down and the kids back in school, we know fall is surely on its way. The Fall and Winter Seasons are the best time to perform your radon testing.
When performing a short term radon test, you have to maintain closed house conditions 12 hours prior to the onset of the testing and during the 48 hours. This means all windows and doors leading to the exterior. Normal entry and exit is fine, just no open windows or doors to the exterior.
Doing so during the summer months when a home does not have A/C; is almost unbearable for the occupants. Testing during Fall and Winter allow the occupants to maintain closed house conditions and yet stay comfortable not opening their windows, thus providing a more accurate average radon concentration for that testing duration.
When performing long term radon testing, closed house conditions do not need to be maintained. Long-term testing is a period of 91 days up to a full year. The long-term testing is the best testing available to obtain your overall radon exposure levels. The long-term testing allows the occupants to live in the home as they normally would through the seasons. No matter which test you are performing the cooler weather is often the best time to do your radon testing. RDS Environmental provides test kits for both short term and long term testing. Contact us today to order your test kit or have one of our radon technicians perform your testing.