Air quality is an important factor in overall health, but do you know what is in your indoor air? Formaldehyde is a chemical commonly used in chemical manufacturing and product manufacturing. Some of these products are commonly found in homes. Products like household cleaners, textiles, paints, pesticides, home furnishings, landscape materials, medicinal/care products, resins, plastics, etc. commonly use or are manufactured with formaldehyde (2-3 “An Update on Formaldehyde”). Some people have strong reactions to formaldehyde, like respiratory allergic reactions of the nose, eyes, throat, and skin, while others do not experience any negative effects. Per the CPSC, “Long-term exposure to high levels of formaldehyde has been associated with cancer in humans and laboratory animals” (2 “An Update on Formaldehyde”). With such potential for adverse effects, how can you know if formaldehyde is in your home?
RDS Environmental is here for you, providing testing for formaldehyde as well as other VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). Our partner lab that analyzes the results for both formaldehyde and VOC testing is accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC (AIHA-LAP, LLC), New York State Health Department for the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (NYS-DOH ELAP), as well as ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 certified.
How do you test for formaldehyde or VOCs?
The specific testing badges can be hung in place or worn on one’s person to analyze specific exposures. The device is then sent off to the lab for analyzation. The results are compared to OSHA standards to determine if the exposure is above recommended limits. Our technicians are always happy to answer any questions you may have before and after testing.
What if I have elevated results? What can I do to lessen my exposure in my home?
Some ways to decrease formaldehyde in homes are as follows (6 “An Update on Formaldehyde”):
- Remove the products containing/re-emitting formaldehyde
- Increase the fresh air exchange in the home
- Decrease humidity
- Seal surfaces with coatings like vinyl, varnish, polyurethane, etc. not containing formaldehyde
- Install products meeting the Ultra-Low Emission Formaldehyde (ULEF) or No Added Formaldehyde (NAF) requirements
Make sure your household is free from formaldehyde and VOCs, call RDS Environmental for pricing and recommendations today!
“An Update on Formaldehyde.” CPSC.org, United States of America Consumer Product Safety Commission., Pub. 725, Rev. 20 Jan. 2013, www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/pdfs/AN%2520UPDATE%2520ON%2520FORMALDEHYDE%2520final%25200113.pdf, Accessed 16 December 2019.