No I am not talking about Metallica or Slayer, this blog is about another type of heavy metal, Lead. I read an article recently about Lead in our homes. It got me thinking back to the lead scare. Lead was every where, it was in our paint, in our children’s toys, and in our air. But lately the lead topic has fallen on the way side of more pressing issues in the country, but I believe it is still very important that we urge homeowners and parents to have there house’s tested for this Heavy Metal. The use of Lead based paints was all banned during 1978. But parents and homeowners need to understand that lead can still be found in your home. The EPA stated that to reduce the amount of lead exposure, is to have your home checked, and have your children checked as well. The reason kids are such a main issue to lead, is the fact that their growing bodies absorb everything, stuff they touch, drink eat. and breath.
Lead can enter your home through many different ways. Lead can be found in your water because the solder used by the plumbers has lead in it thus gettign into your water supply. Another way lead can be let into your home is if your bringing it in. I am not saying your bringing it in to your home on purpose, but if you work some where that may have lead dust in the air or deal with lead it can be trapt in your cloths. Also lead can be found in your dishes, porcleian can leak lead into your childrens food.
Lead is used still today in processing materials. Thus why it is still very important to take precautions in your home against lead. Get a water filter for your home water, if you do not already have one. It is a good idea to have your children tested for lead through a blood sample. As well have your home tested because you don’t want Heavy Metal around your kids. Click here to learn more about Lead Poisoning