Today marks a day in the history of Colorado, and for Radon. A bill is being presented to the senate and the state of Colorado, to protect our Home sellers and buyers from Radon gases. Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Its the Number 1 cause of lung cancer in non-smoking people. Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gas which attacks your lungs. This bill will make Colorado a healthier state in that, our homes will be safer to live in. We can all benefit from the fact that our families will be protected from this silent killer. To have this bill pass, would be a huge step for Colorado, not only for our health but, for our State as a whole. This bill will make it so the Sellers and real estate agencies are responsible for testing a mitigating the Radon in the home. We can save lives just simply by testing and providing that information to the buyers. As well homes being built are to have Radon mitigation systems installed which will drop initial cost of the installation of the systems cheaper up front. So lets hope that House Bill 12-1165 makes it. Sue Shaffer is our representative for this house bill so email her to give her a thank you.([email protected]) Click here to see the short summary of the Bill.