Mold, its not just something that grows on your bread after sitting for to long or what grows on cheese. Mold is important in our world but only if its outside of our home. Mold can be found in many places and can grow virtually any were. Mold can be feed through many was but its main ingredients are moisture, heat (approximately Between 60-80 degrees). It doesn’t take long for it to grow, any where from 24-48 hours mold can grow. All mold isn’t bad, it is crucial for decomposition of many natural things in our world. Mold plays a role in our lives as a decomposer but its nice to have mold outside of your homes, instead of in your home. When Mold enters your home it can bring a laundry list of health problems. Its important to know that keeping your house mold safe can keep you and your family healthy.
Mold can grow in our homes on any surface. It can do this buy feeding from the moisture in the air and the temperature of your house. Molds like damp warm places. Such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Attics can be effected to because of the exposer that they have to the environments. To keep humidity down in our homes its important to have good ventilation that vents to the outside of the home, in these “problem areas”. Mositure controle is the key to keeping molds from growing in our homes.
Molds can bring serious health risk into your living areas. Many homes these days have finished basements were the have play areas setup for there children. Symptoms of Mold can be the same as allergies or as a common cold. Such as follows running nose, itchy eyes, coughing, and wheezing. Though these symptoms may seem harmless what can be caused from long term exposure can be serious cause for alarm. Heavy exposure to some molds can cause asthma, short term memory loss, Shortness of breath, and headache.
Mold may play a vital role in nature as a natural recyler, but its better to keep it out of our homes. Mold intrusion in your home can be costly and bring high health risk to you and your family. To learn about Mold and how it can get into your home and were it will grow. Go to Or click here to see mold intrusion video.