“Times are Changing”, yes, Bob Dylan said it best times are changing so lets look at what has. Every day, every month, and every year things are consistently changing nothing is ever the same actually the only thing that remains the same is change. It is one variable in our lives that will never change. So with these waves of change we have seen many wired and innovative inventions, trends, as well ideals. So lets focus on the last decade up until now. Music, life, and the internet have now changed the way we interact with each other. Its now a social highway of online face book accounts with every answer you could want just a click away and 10 M bps will take you there. Are life’s have become virtual, are friends are now digital, if we want to experience something real or authentic, it has to be initiated buy us and for us. With innovative items such as the mp3’s, Ipods,and Ipads. Our phones are now are allies in trying to control the massive data down loads that have become our way of life. If ten years ago you told someone that your phone would be able to surf the web, look at your emails and play music they would think ” is this person for real”. But it happened it changed on us our society can be seen as a living breathing being. With trends that make us look in awe, and ones that parents don’t much care for, IE (gauges, piercings, tattoos). But for them its their authenticity, because in a world like today to make your self different is cool, to understand that not everybody is the same and that we are all different and we bring our own unique set of variables to the table.
Here is band that is notorious for bring a new style to music innovators of new music.(OK GO) Just click here to watch there video