This is an easy way to tell if your radon system is pulling the right amount of air for the type of system you have, also it will help you know if your system is in need of service by one of our technicians. The readout on the manometer should be between 0.5in – 1.75in. In most cases these are acceptable levels indicating, your system is operating correct. When your Radon system is shut off the fluid should rest at zero if it does not then your manometer is low on fluid. It is important to understand that these readouts will indicate if your system is in need of any maintenance and should be serviced.
Matthew Cuccaro says
I have a radon mitigation system in my home, and the reading on the left side of manometer has always been 1.0. This jumped to 2.0 last week. I’m having my basement finished and they built a wall around the vent conduit, though I can’t understand why that would affect the manometer. Could something have happened during construction that would cause this? Is a reading of 2.0 cause for concern? Thank you.
Roger Hague says
Our manometer on our radon pipe in the basement reads 1.5
We had been told it should be at approx 3.5
What should it be reading ?
Ron Stellick says
We are not sure how to read the manometer. The left side of the tube is one slash mark above the one….and the right side of the tube is one slash mark below the one. Is this an acceptable level? Please respond on e-mail. Thank you.
TomName (required) says
Two insects died in the blue fluid in my manometer. If I blow them and the fluid out, or rinse them out, what fluid do I replace the old fluid with?
Name (required)susan says
The red liquid is below 0. Should I add water to get it to 0?
mark dickerson says
What if the under slab pipes connected to the radon pipe and measured by a Manometer, show very high inches of water. Mine is showing over 4+ inches, and the radon is not going down according to our meter (4.5 or so). Should I install an air vent into the pea gravel under the slab to allow more air to circulate there?
brie says
Hello Mark,
This sounds like a complex issue and more evaluation and details are needed for our technicians to help determine the best action to decrease your levels. Please feel free to reach out to our technicians at 303-444-5253 or put in an online request and we would be happy to assist you with this issue.
Thank you,
Edward A. Molleur says
Both levels are at 0. I am assuming the system is shut off, but where do they normally locate the switch or shutoff?
brie says
Normally the on/off switch is located near the fan itself. If the fan switch is in the on position and the breaker has not popped, it is possible you may need a new fan. Please feel free to call our office if you need more assistance or have any further questions.
Thank you
Zach T says
Hi. My manometer has pencil marks where the levels should be. The positive side was at 0.75. Now that side is 0.25, but the other side is also proportionately under its mark. Is this a cause for concern. Or is it just that fluid needs to be added?
brie says
Hello Zach,
If you don’t mind emailing Don, our services manager, with a photo, or calling our office, we would be glad to help answer your manometer question. His email is [email protected].
Thank you,
Brian says
Great article – We always make sure we educate our customers on how to read these after we leave so they know to reach out if there is a problem. Keep up the good info!
Radon Mitigation Lexington KY
Vicki says
If both sides of the manometer are reading the same, does this mean the system is working or no?
Thank you!
Name Tom Allen says
My daughter has a radon mitigation system and the fan began to make a lot of noise so we decided to change it. There was a radon-away fan installed but I couldn’t see any information on the fan that told me what the model was. We determined it was the 145 so we installed that fan. The manometer was reading 2.0″ before and after we replaced the fan. the radon level in the home was 5.6 pCi/L. So we decided to put a larger fan in so we installed a GX3-pro series and the manometer was 3.6″. Radon level was reading the same 5.6 pCi/L. We decided to pull the pipe out of the concrete floor and we observed the contractor had only remove about 2 gallons of soil, so we removed about 10 gallons of sand re-installed the pipe just an inch below the concrete floor. The manometer reads a little lower at 3.3″ and radon levels is t 4.7 pCi/L. Would you remove more soil, lower the pipe into the sand base, Install a large fan or what???
Thank you,
brie says
We recommend speaking to a technician about your specific questions. Please call the office at 303.444.5253.
Thank you,
RDS Team